The late winter shop update is coming late February/early March. Date will be announced soon!


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Ceramic AWD bowl with stone fruit
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Hand to Wheel
Wheel to Table

I feel like 80% of this season for me is doing all the things to not get come down with a cold. Preventative herbs and herbs and vitamin C and more herbs and exercise and having to try extra hard to get my daily dark leafy greens in while the garden is empty and my cooking inspiration is a little low (while baking…is extra high…🍰🍪🥧). Another tool I always seem to be drawn towards that keeps me warm and vibrant is BLUEGRASS. I love bluegrass. The best tunes to beat the winter blues with (if you have it), prevent it (if you don’t), and overall keep that inner hearth warm. No need to turn the thermostat up- just put on some AWD bluegrass/jamgrass jams! Nothing flushes those lymph nodes and gets the blood pumping when all else feels stagnant (dancing and immune health go hand and hand) like a good fiddle tune, folks! I made a playlist of some of my favorites 😁 (with some slow ones too, because…balance). Enjoy and stay warm! 

Jimmy Carter might say put on a sweater, I say put on some AWD Bluegrass jams (and a sweater)…


AWD Bluegrass Jams

two friends outside cozied up with a mug
photo by Jacki Potorke


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